Kiss, 1984
Kiss, 1984

26 x 20 in.
Charcoal on paper
Collection of the Musée de Vannes, France

Kiss, 1984
Kiss, 1984

26 x 20 in.
Charcoal on paper
Collection of the Musée de Vannes, France

Untitled, 1985
Untitled, 1985

Charcoal and pastel on paper
42 x 30 in
Collection of the Musée de Vannes, France

Untitled, 1984
Untitled, 1984

38 x 50 in.
Charcoal on paper
Estate of Alain Kirili

Untitled, 1984
Untitled, 1984

38 x 50 in.
Charcoal on paper
Estate of Alain Kirili

Monolithe, 1981
Monolithe, 1981

Pastel on paper
12 x 8 in.
Collection of the Musée de Vannes, France

Untitled, 1984
Untitled, 1984

11 x 9 in.
Charcoal on paper
Estate of Alain Kirili

Kiss, 1984
Kiss, 1984
Untitled, 1985
Untitled, 1984
Untitled, 1984
Monolithe, 1981
Untitled, 1984
Kiss, 1984

26 x 20 in.
Charcoal on paper
Collection of the Musée de Vannes, France

Kiss, 1984

26 x 20 in.
Charcoal on paper
Collection of the Musée de Vannes, France

Untitled, 1985

Charcoal and pastel on paper
42 x 30 in
Collection of the Musée de Vannes, France

Untitled, 1984

38 x 50 in.
Charcoal on paper
Estate of Alain Kirili

Untitled, 1984

38 x 50 in.
Charcoal on paper
Estate of Alain Kirili

Monolithe, 1981

Pastel on paper
12 x 8 in.
Collection of the Musée de Vannes, France

Untitled, 1984

11 x 9 in.
Charcoal on paper
Estate of Alain Kirili

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